Prime Minister Masrour Barzani’s statement on the sixth parliamentary elections

The success of our sixth parliamentary elections was another important test of our democracy.
First, I congratulate the people of the Kurdistan Region, including all its groups and components. I thank them for their patience and active participation, as well as the families of our martyrs.
I also thank the Iraqi Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) for their support and for overseeing this process. It is, however, concerning that a significant number of voters were unable to cast their votes today due to technical problems. I call for serious efforts to address these issues to ensure the right to vote for every voter in the upcoming elections.
A special thank you to our security forces for securing the atmosphere necessary for the elections.
Thank you to the international monitors and observers who provided oversight throughout this process.
I also thank all the political parties for participating in this election and for their support in making it a success.
With God’s help, and the support of our loyal citizens, I hope that the existence of a new, active parliament backed by patriots paves the way for the tenth cabinet as soon as possible to serve more the stability, prosperity and unity of the Kurdistan Region.
Masrour Barzani