New year message from Prime Minister Masrour Barzani

As we welcome the new year 2025, I congratulate all the people of the Kurdistan Region and every Kurdistani. I wish you all happiness, prosperity, and a year filled with peace and tranquility.
I would like to thank the resilience and patience of the patriotic and steadfast people of the Kurdistan Region. Despite the financial challenges caused by the federal government’s withholding of the rightful financial entitlements and salaries of public employees, the people of Kurdistan Region have endured another difficult year with remarkable strength.
The Kurdistan Regional Government has fulfilled all its obligations. Therefore, it is essential that this issue be resolved fundamentally in the coming year.
We hope that discussions among political parties in Kurdistan Region will soon conclude and lead to an agreement on forming a new, strong, and inclusive government. This government must address current and future challenges and serve all communities of Kurdistan Region equally.
May the new year bring blessings to everyone, and may it be a year of peace, stability, and prosperity for all.
Masrour Barzani