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KRG Prime Minister Meets with U.S. Under Secretary of State

On Thursday, 9 May 2024, Masrour Barzani, Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), met with Uzra Zeya, Under Secretary of State for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights of the United States.

The meeting, attended by Alina Romanowski, the U.S. Ambassador to Iraq, focused on advancing bilateral relations between the Kurdistan Region and the United States, as well as discussions on human rights, minority rights, peaceful coexistence, religious freedom, and the Sinjar Agreement.

Under Secretary Zeya expressed pleasure at visiting the Kurdistan Region, emphasising its role as a strategic ally and partner of the U.S. in Iraq and the broader region.

Both parties agreed to maintain coordination and work together to promote shared values of democracy, protection of human rights, freedom of expression, press freedom, and civil society activism.

Prime Minister Barzani thanked the U.S. for its continued support and assistance to the Kurdistan Region, reaffirming the KRG’s commitment to strengthening democratic principles, safeguarding freedoms, and protecting human rights in the region.

The two sides also agreed on the importance of conducting the Kurdistan parliamentary elections as soon as possible, ensuring the protection of rights for ethnic and religious groups, and addressing challenges hindering the electoral process.

Additionally, they highlighted the implementation of the Sinjar Agreement, which includes the withdrawal of militias and unlawful groups, and the stabilisation and reconstruction of Sinjar, paving the way for the voluntary return of displaced Sinjari residents.

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