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KRG Prime Minister Commemorates the 44th Anniversary of the Feyli Kurdish Genocide

On the 44th anniversary of the Feyli Kurdish genocide, we solemnly remember our Feyli Kurdish brothers and sisters who suffered arrest, murder, disappearance, and the loss of their citizenship under the brutal campaigns of the former Iraqi regime, targeted for their Kurdish identity and support for our cause.

This genocide against the Feyli Kurds remains an unforgivable crime, part of a series of acts aimed at erasing the identity of Kurdistan’s people.

As such, it is crucial for the Iraqi government to fulfill its moral and constitutional responsibilities by compensating the Feyli Kurds and all victims who suffered under the previous al-Ba’ath regime.

We honour the memory of the Feyli Kurds and all those who made sacrifices for Kurdistan, with respect and dignity on this anniversary of the genocide.

Masrour Barzani
Prime Minister
Kurdistan Regional Government
4 April 2024

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