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KRG Prime Minister Commemorates 33rd Anniversary of UNSCR 688

Today marks the 33rd anniversary of the adoption of United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR 688) on 5 April 1991, in response to the egregious assault by the former Iraqi regime on millions of Kurds heading towards the borders.

This pivotal resolution by the Security Council laid the groundwork for the establishment of a No-Fly Zone, curbing attacks, tyranny, and oppression from the al-Ba’ath regime. It thwarted another potential genocide in Kurdistan, facilitated international aid to the Kurdish populace, and paved the way for the first parliamentary elections in the Kurdistan Region, alongside the formation of its Regional Government.

UNSCR 688 signifies a watershed moment in the enduring struggle of the Kurdish people for their rightful entitlements. Thus, on this significant occasion, we extend our profound appreciation to the international community, particularly the United States, Britain, and France, for their collaborative support. We also hold in deep regard the unwavering solidarity of the late President François Mitterrand and his wife, Danielle Mitterrand, as steadfast allies of the Kurdish cause. Their stance remains etched in our memory.

Moreover, we acknowledge with gratitude the support rendered by the late President George H. W. Bush, former British Prime Minister John Major, and former U.S. Secretary of State, James Baker, which has been invaluable to the people of Kurdistan. We also express our thanks to Iran and Türkiye for their cooperation and assistance, including opening their borders to hundreds of thousands of refugees from the Kurdistan Region.

As we commemorate the 33rd anniversary of UNSCR 688, we reiterate that threats persist against the people of the Kurdistan Region, their rights, and their achievements. Hence, it is imperative for the international community to stand firm in safeguarding the people of Kurdistan, upholding their legitimate rights, and ensuring their protection from genocide and rights violations in the future.

Masrour Barzani
Prime Minister
Kurdistan Regional Government
5 April 2024

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