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Statement by Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on terror attack on Khor Mor

I strongly condemn tonight’s terror attack on Khor Mor. My thoughts and condolences are with the four civilians killed, and I wish the wounded a swift recovery. I have instructed the Ministry of Health to provide all necessary support.

I urge the federal government to credibly investigate, hold the perpetrators accountable, and provide lasting assurances to our people. According to the initial information the attacks come from a nearby region within Iraq. We expect swift action from Baghdad to not allow these terrorists to menace us at will.It must control the lawless groups that harm us all.

Attacks on energy hubs that power millions of homes in the Kurdistan Region and Iraqi provinces are indefensible. These attacks also sabotage efforts by Erbil and Baghdad to develop the energy sector. They happen with disturbing frequency and amount to war crimes.

We stand ready to work with Baghdad to do more together to put a stop to this.

Masrour Barzani

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