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Statement by PM Masrour Barzani on the Anniversary of the Genocidal Anfal Campaign

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD) – Prime Minister Masrour Barzani today released the following statement on the 34th anniversary of the Anfal Genocide:

“On the 34th anniversary of the genocidal Anfal campaign, we honor the lives of the martyrs and victims of that criminal act by the Iraqi Ba’ath regime.

“Although some of the perpetrators of that crime and the racist policies which enabled it have been brought to justice, we must continue our efforts to raise global awareness of this genocidal campaign, shame the perpetrators, and prevent such crimes from ever happening again. Such massacres and atrocities must never happen again in Kurdistan.

“On this occasion, we reiterate our call for the Iraqi government, as per the Constitution, to compensate the families of the victims of all the atrocities committed against the Kurdish people. It is clear that such criminal activities have led to the seizure of Kurdish land, therefore the topic of compensation shall no longer be ignored.

“The Kurdistan Regional Government will always consider itself endebted to the families of out martyrs and will make every effort to better serve them.

“May God bless the souls of the victims of the Anfal campaign and all other martyrs of Kurdistan.”

Masrour Barzani
Prime Minister of Kurdistan Region

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