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Statement by PM Masrour Barzani on the Anniversary of the Barzani Genocide

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD) – Prime Minister Masrour Barzani issued the following statement on the occasion of the 39th anniversary of the Barzani Genocide:

“Today we commemorate one of the greatest and most unforgettable crimes of the former Iraqi regime: the massacre and genocide of nearly 8,000 innocent Barzani civilians. The commemoration of the victims of this atrocity is especially sad this year as it coincides with the return of the remains of 100 more Barzani Anfal victims from the deserts of southern Iraq to the Kurdistan Region and their homeland in Barzan.

“The Barzan region has been the center of Kurdishness, revolution and uprising against oppression and occupation for more than a century. It has been a refuge of tolerance and peace for all who have turned to it in the face of injustice and oppression. Consequently, this region, like all other regions of Kurdistan, has consistently faced military attacks, destruction, bombings and the use of prohibited weapons.

“The genocide of the Barzanis is part of a series of crimes against the Barzan area and all other areas of the Kurdistan Region, which marked the beginning of the Anfal genocide and chemical attacks on the Kurdistan Region.

“On the anniversary of this massacre, we commemorate the martyrs of the Barzanis and all the martyrs of the Kurdistan Region. The commemoration of the Barzani Genocide is also the commemoration of all the Anfal victims and martyrs of the Kurdistan Region in Garmian, Badinan, Balisan, Sheikh Wasanan, Failis and Sinjar.

“We should also remember with appreciation the sacrifices and perseverance of the kind mothers and relatives of the victims, who proudly and stoically faced the hardships of life and the consequences of this atrocity. We also thank the people of Erbil and other parts of Kurdistan Region for their courage, assistance and solidarity with the families of the Anfal victims.

“On this occasion, we once again demand compensation to the families of the victims of genocide and Anfal from the Iraqi Federal Government, as stipulated in the Constitution, which, unfortunately, for many years, like many other articles, has been neglected and should no longer be ignored.

“The Kurdish people must always remember these crimes committed against them and must never sacrifice the freedom and self-governance of the Kurdish people under any pretext or for any purpose.

“On the anniversary of the Barzani Genocide, we pay our respects to the souls of all the martyrs and Anfal victims of Kurdistan Region.

“We will always remember them with dignity.”

Masrour Barzani
Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region

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