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PM Masrour Barzani attends third Invest Expo

Erbil, Kurdistan Region (GOV.KRD) – Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on Tuesday attended the third Invest Expo 2022 International Investment Fair in Erbil.

After inaugurating the exposition and visiting the different sections, Prime Minister Barzani delivered a speech during which he emphasized the importance of having investment and real estate that conforms with the broader vision and needs of different cities, as well as meeting scientific, safety, and environmental standards.

“Real estate is not just about buying and selling properties. We have empowered Kurdish construction companies to provide residential investors with the construction material and labor required. This creates more local jobs and promotes local industry,” Prime Minister Barzani said.

Prime Minister Barzani added that the security of the Kurdistan Region has led many people from outside to move to reside in Erbil and other cities in the Kurdistan Region.

“My government is working to build a better investment climate. We have plans to attract more foreign investment. We’ve introduced amendments to the investment law; priority sectors have been announced, and over 1,000 projects identified,” he said.

Prime Minister Barzani also noted that at times in the past there have been shortcomings in residential projects; however, the Ninth Cabinet has focused on ensuring that all projects meet the government’s set standards and have all services provided to people.

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