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PM Masrour Barzani attends the launch ceremony of Kurdistan’s first innovation house

Erbil, Kurdistan Region (GOV.KRD) – Prime Minister Masrour Barzani today attended the launch ceremony of Kurdistan Innovation House (KII), designed to support innovators and researchers.

Prime Minister Barzani began his speech by condemning the missile and drone strikes that targeted Koya town and Zergwez in Sulaimani earlier in the day, deeming it as a violation of Iraq and the Kurdistan Region’s sovereignty.

With the participation of the President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani as well as several other officials, the Prime Minister said that the KII is an important step towards the enrichment of the community.

KII is a place to “develop the abilities and talents of young people and improve our economy,” Prime Minister Barzani noted, adding that “it will be a place where thoughts are brought to life, innovation develops, science and knowledge flourishes, and inventions are rewarded.”

Fostering innovation in the Kurdistan region, KII is an institution that provides training, professional networks, financing and expertise in entrepreneurship, business planning, and operational management in the Kurdistan Region.

The new innovation house will form “a science park,” said the Prime Minister, where inventors “can put their ideas into practice and follow up their research in different fields of science, technology, medicine and improving the quality of life.”

The KII was founded on the initiative of Prime Minister Barzani, who continues to support Kurdistani youth in the pursuit of their hopes and ideas.

Prime Minister Barzani addressed the talents of the youth, and the Kurds in diaspora, whom he described as “the most active and competent” diasporas across the globe.

“I call for an end to the displacement and migration of talents and capabilities outside Kurdistan,” said Prime Minister Barzani.

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