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Prime Minister Barzani receives EU Ambassador to Iraq

Erbil, Kurdistan Region (GOV.KRD) – Prime Minister Masrour Barzani today received the European Union’s Ambassador to Iraq, Ville Varjola.
Prime Minister Barzani reaffirmed the Kurdistan Region’s willingness to resolve pending ties between Erbil and Baghdad, indicating that the allocation of the Region’s share from the federal 2023 budget should be conducted in a fair manner and in accordance with the constitution could be a step forward towards settling the issues.

Both sides discussed ways to enhance cooperation between the EU and the Kurdistan Region, predominantly through supporting the Ninth Cabinet’s reforms in diversifying the economy, strengthening the agricultural sector, and identifying opportunities on foreign markets, including European ones, to export the Region’s local produce.

Prime Minister Barzani and Ambassador Varjola also highlighted the significance of reforming the Kurdistan Region’s banking system and ways in which the EU could assist the process.

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