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Prime Minister Barzani receives Yezidi Mir Hazim Tahsin Beg

The Kurdistan Region’s Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on Sunday received in Erbil Mir Hazim Tahsin Beg, the spiritual leader of the Yezidis.

During their meeting, the two sides discussed the Yezidis’ circumstances and the current situation in Sinjar district.

The Prime Minister reiterated the Kurdistan Region’s support for the Yezidis’ rights and expectations. He also stressed the importance of implementing the Sinjar agreement and removal of militias in order to maintain peace and stability for the region’s residents.

The Yezidi Mir expressed his appreciation for the Kurdistan Regional Government’s continuous efforts to help and protect the Yezidis, as well as for the increasing role of the Yezidis in governmental institutions.

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