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KRG Prime Minister Receives the British Ambassador to Iraq

On Tuesday, October 10, 2023, Prime Minister Masrour Barzani of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) welcomed Steven Hitchen, the Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Iraq.

Their discussions focused on the importance of resolving pending issues between Erbil and Baghdad, with both sides acknowledging the political nature of these matters and stressing the need to address them within the framework of the constitution and existing agreements. Prime Minister Barzani underscored the vital need to protect the constitutional rights of the Kurdistan Region and its federal entity.

The British Ambassador lauded the KRG’s efforts in implementing reforms, especially in the digitalisation of public sector services. He praised the advancements in the central data centre of the Information Technology Department, highlighting it as a model for the entire nation of Iraq.

The Ambassador also expressed admiration for the harmonious coexistence among diverse communities and the prevailing religious freedom in the Kurdistan Region.

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