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KRG Congratulatory Statement on Easter

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD) – The Kurdistan Regional Government issued the following statement on the arrival of Easter:

“With the arrival of Easter, we offer our warmest congratulations to the Christian community in the Kurdistan Region, Iraq, and the world. We hope that this holiday serves as a source of further coexistence, peace and prosperity.

“The Kurdistan Region has historically been, and remains, a home for many different religious and ethnic communities, with coexistence and respect for different ideologies central to the Region’s culture.

“This attitude has garnered global attention and forms a strong basis for democracy and freedom in the Kurdistan Region.”

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD) – The Kurdistan Regional Government issued the following statement on the arrival of Easter: “With the arrival of Easter, we offer our warmest congratulations to the Christian community in the Kurdistan Region, Iraq, and the world. We hope that this holiday serves as a source of further coexistence, peace and prosperity. “The Kurdistan Re …
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