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Statement by KRG spokesperson on today’s Kormor rocket attack

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD) – We strongly condemn the attack on the Kormor gas field by militias and illegal armed groups today.

We call on the Iraqi Federal Government to take the necessary measures to limit and prevent a repetition of these terrorist attacks, which seek to destroy the security and stability of the whole of Iraq and the economic development of the Kurdistan Region.

Jotiar Adil

Spokesperson of the Kurdistan Regional Government

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD) – We strongly condemn the attack on the Kormor gas field by militias and illegal armed groups today. We call on the Iraqi Federal Government to take the necessary measures to limit and prevent a repetition of these terrorist attacks, which seek to destroy the security and stability of the whole of Iraq and the economic development of the …
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